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日期:2017-12-21 点击数:


             Discovering novel protein and metabolite functions in guard cells toward increasing plant productivity

报 告 人:Sixue Chen(University of Florida 弗罗里达大学)


时 间:2017年12月22日 14:00

地 点:科技楼主310

报告人简介:Sixue Chen,男,博士,美国国籍,现任美国佛罗里达大学自由艺术和科学学院教授。主要从事植物蛋白质组学研究。现任美国自然科学基金委员会项目专家组成员,Israel自然科学基金委员会项目评审专家、Frontiers in Biology 杂志编委会成员、任美国植物生物学学会、蛋白质组学学会、质谱学会、中西部质谱学会、生物信息资源学会、国际科学咨询专家委员会成员。近年来在Nature等国际著名学术期刊上发表学术论文100余篇。


1.He Y, Chen B, Pang Q, Strul JM, Chen SX. 2010. Functional specification of Arabidopsis isopropylmalate isomerases in glucosinolate and leucine biosynthesis. Plant and Cell Physiology 51: 1480-1487.

2.Humbard MA, Miranda HV, Lim JM, Krause DJ, Pritz JR, Zhou G, Chen SX, Wells L, Maupin-Furlow JA. 2010. Ubiquitin-like Small Archaeal Modifier Proteins (SAMPs) and their conjugation to proteins in Haloferax volcanii. Nature 463: 54-60.

3.Zhu MM, Simons B, ZhuN, Oppenheimer DG, Chen SX. 2010. Analysis of abscisic acid responsive proteins in Brassica napus guard cells by multiplexed isobaric tagging. Journal of Proteomics 73: 790-805.

4.Alvarez S, Zhu MM, Chen SX. 2009. Proteomics of Arabidopsis redox proteins in response to methyl jasmonate. Journal of Proteomics 73: 30-40.

5.Alvarez S, He Y, Chen SX. 2008. Comparative investigations of glucosinolatemyrosinase system in Arabidopsis suspension cells and hypocotyls. Plant Cell and Physiology 49: 324-333.
