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日期:2017-11-20 点击数:

报告题目: (1)Forests, Forest Management and Forest Hydrology in Canada

           (2)Overview of the Post-Secondary Education in Canada

报 告 人:孟繁瑞 教授            

时   间:2017年11月20日(周一)下午14:00-16:00

地   点:工程楼915


Fanrui Meng, Professor in the Faculty of Forestry and Environment Management, University of New Brunswick, Canada. Research Director of the Nexfor/Bowater Forest Watershed Research Centre. Dr. Meng had a Bachelor and Master degrees in Forest Engineering, from the Northeast Forestry University, in 1982 and 1985, and a PhD in forest ecology from University of New Brunswick in 1994. Dr. Meng's research interests include forest hydrology, forest ecology, and high resolution soil mapping and climate change related subjects, with specialization in 3D topographical analysis, hydrological modeling and integrated watershed management. To date, Dr. Meng has published 104 research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and many publications in conference proceedings.
