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日期:2017-06-05 点击数:

    报告题目:Dynamic Simulation and Optimization for Cost-effective and Air-quality Conscious Industrial Emission Reduction

   报告人:徐强 博士



    报告内容简介:Flaring emissions during CPI (chemical process industry) plant startups, shutdowns, and upsets causes tremendous raw material and energy losses and also results in adverse environmental and social impacts. For instance, an ethylene plant with 1.2 billion pounds of ethylene production per year may flare five million pounds of ethylene during one typical startup, which generates 15.4 million pounds of CO2, 7.5 K lbs of NOX, 40 K lbs of CO, and 100 K lbs of highly reactive VOCs. Unfortunately, current practices in flare minimization almost exclusively depend on industrial experience and the “end-of-the-pipe” control strategies. For instance, the installation of flare gas recovery units (FGRU) can capture flare gas for recycle and reuse. Conceivably, it is less desirable since the “waste gas” is already generated. Meanwhile, the capital expenditure and operating cost of FGRU is considerable. Therefore, the key issue for existing CPI facilities to achieve significant emission reductions without large expenditures is to renovate current process designs and/or improve process operational strategies in a systematic way, so as to proactively and economically reduces emission sources instead of traditional “end-of-the-pipe” flare handling. In this presentation, a systematic methodology on multi-scale dynamic simulation and optimization for cost-effective and air-quality conscious industrial emission reductions will be introduced. Since off-specification streams are inevitable during the plant turnaround operations, to significantly reduce flaring emission, they must be either recycled to the upstream process for online reuse, or stored somewhere temporarily for future reprocessing, when the plant manufacturing returns to stable operation. Thus, the off-spec products will be able to be reused instead of being flared. This presentation will address modeling and optimization for emission reduction under chemical plant start-up, shutdown, and upset conditions, as well as associated local air-quality impact studies. Both theoretical development and real plant test results could be presented.

 报告人简介:徐强博士于1993年考入北京清华大学化工系。1998年获化学工程与工艺学士学位和环境工程第二学位。毕业后免试留校直读博士,师从化工系统工程专家和中国工程学院陈丙珍院士。于2003年1月获清华大学化学工程博士学位。2003年3月到2005年8月期间,在美国密歇根韦恩州立大学从事博士后研究工作。而后,于2005年9月进入美国德克萨斯州Lamar大学化工系做助理教授。2010年被提升为副教授并获Lamar 大学科研和教学杰出奖(Merit Award),2011年获得终身教授资格(Tenure),2013年获Lamar大学教学杰出学者奖(University Scholar Award),2015年提升为正教授并获Lamar大学杰出教授奖(Distinguished Faculty Research/Creative Activity Fellow),2016年获AIChE协会过程开发研究优胜奖(Excellence in Process Development Research Award)。徐 强 博士的专业方向是化工过程系统工程,即系统地运用现代信息技术和各种计算手段来分析和解决复杂化工系统的各种“软”、“硬”问题,以达到对全系统的最优设计、决策、控制和管理。他的主要研究领域和贡献包括过程流程建模,稳态和动态模拟,过程系统优化和综合,生产过程调度,产品和生产计划优化,工业区域空气质量建模与评价,化工过程废气排放最小化和化工生产安全;涉及石油炼制、油气储运、天然气处理和液化,化工、电镀,和汽车喷涂等工业领域。目前已主持美国国家科学基金、美国政府项目、校级项目和企业项目等47项,累计经费270万美金;以第一作者或通讯作者在化学工程领域合计发表SCI论文100多篇,参加200余次特邀讲座和国际会议报告。现担任美国化学工程师协会(AIChE)过程开发部技术转化和生产分部主席和美国化学协会(ACS)工业和工程部绿色化学过程分部组织委员,并主持国际会议的分会讲座31余次,担任过美国国家科学基金会(NSF)项目评审人和39个国际杂志的审稿人。徐强教授承担课程:本科课程:过程控制、过程控制实验、过程仿真、空气质量控制、工程评估基础等。研究生课程:高级建模和计算方法、化工厂启动模拟、CFD建模、过程动态模拟、过程优化、工程分析计算方法、动态仿真与控制、硕士会议、博士会议等多项课程。培养人才:访问学者2人、博士毕业生18人、专业论文博士2人、硕士10人、本科生5人
