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日期:2016-09-07 点击数:

受国际合作处资助,为了更好地推动数学及相关领域的科学研究,扩展我校数学学科师生的学术研究视野,理学院数学系特邀请到新西兰University of Otago数理统计系杨姗姗老师来校进行系列学术讲学。

本系列讲座共有8个专题,主要讲授基于R语言的线性回归模型、广义线性模型和实验设计等内容。本系列讲座侧重数据分析,同时每场都有模型如何运用R语言的现场指导部分,所以杨老师希望人数控制在50人以内,并且自带装有R 3.3.0及以上版本软件的电脑。


   1.To be motivated and have some prior knowledge of the program R.

   2.The participants should down load R program version 3.3.0 or above to their lab tops or Lab computers, otherwise the Lab session will not be able to run.

   3.Please also load the following R libraries:gplots, lmtest, car, MASS, mixlm, lattice, pwr.Library (mixlm) only came out in May this year, so we do needR 3.3.0 or above to use it.


   1. Multiple linear regression

   2. Generalized linear models

   3. Experimental Designs

   4. Experiments to compare several treatments

   5. More designs

   6. Fixed, random and mixed effect models

   7. Nested design and partial nested designs

   8. Generalized linear models revisited



   2016年9月8号(周四)上午9:00--11:00 下午14:30—16:30

   2016年9月13号(周二)上午9:00--11:00 下午14:30—16:30



