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日期:2015-09-28 点击数:

为了更好地推动数学及相关领域的科学研究,扩展我校数学学科师生的学术研究视野,理学院数学系特邀法国社会科学高等研究院Henri Berestycki教授来我校进行学术讲学。

Henri Berestycki教授简介:著名偏微分方程专家,美国艺术与科学学院外籍院士,于1975年在巴黎六大获得博士学位,师从泛函分析专家HaimBrezis,先后在芝加哥大学,巴黎六大,十三大,巴黎高等师范任教,2001起,在法国社会科学高等研究院工作。Berestycki教授曾担任巴黎六大数学系系主任,法国社会科学高等研究院院长及该院数学中心主任,现为欧盟ERC高级项目“ReaDi”的负责人;曾(现)任包括Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Journal of Differential Equations等多个期刊的编委;曾获得法国骑士勋章,法国科学院的Sophie Germain奖和Carriere奖,德国洪堡基金的Humboldt-Gay-Lussac奖;在Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics等期刊发表论文130多篇,被引用4500多次(MathSciNet)。

   报告题目:Reaction-diffusion equations and biological invasions

摘要:This lecture, meant for a general audience, is about reaction-diffusion equations as an approach to spatial propagation and diffusion. After describing the mechanism of reaction and diffusion and giving several illustrations, I will review a few classical properties. I will then mention more recent works in the context of ecology dealing with non-homogeneous media. These allow us to discuss biological invasions in inhomogeneous regions that combine favourable and unfavourable patches. In this framework, I will also describe a model addressing the question of how a species keeps pace with a shifting climate.

报告时间:2015年9月28日(周一) 下午15:30

