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日期:2015-05-12 点击数:

为了更好地推动数学及相关领域的科学研究,扩展我校数学学科师生的学术研究视野,理学院数学系特邀加拿大西安大略大学应用数学系Pei Yu教授来我校进行学术讲学。

Pei Yu教授简介: Pei Yu教授于1982年毕业于上海交通大学电子工程与计算机科学专业,于1984年和1986年在加拿大滑铁卢大学系统设计工程专业获得硕士和博士学位,现为加拿大西安大略大学应用数学系教授。Pei Yu教授长期从事非线性动力学研究工作,包括混沌动力系统、混沌保密与信息安全、微分方程的稳定性与分岔、分岔和混沌的控制与反控制等问题,在国际应用数学SCI检索期刊上发表论文180余篇,在世界图书出版公司出版专著三部。Pei Yu教授在分岔问题的简化和规范型的推导、计算方面的很多工作已经成为这一领域研究的经典文献,是多个国际期刊的编委和系列丛书的顾问,有很高的学术地位和较高的国际知名度。

报告题目:Dynamical analysis on high-dimensional nonlinear systems and application of normal form theory

摘要:A main difficulty in the study of high dimensional dynamical systems is how to reduce the dimension of the system and obtain a simpler, equivalent system for analysis. Center manifold theory and normal form theory are two powerful mathematical tools in the study of dynamics of nonlinear systems, which can greatly simplify the system, yet keep the fundamental dynamical property of the system unchanged. However, the traditional methods for symbolically computing center manifold and normal forms are not applicable for high-dimensional practical nonlinear systems. Symbolic computation is even not useful for linear analysis of high-dimensional nonlinear systems. In this talk, we present a unified combination of symbolic and numerical computations, which can be used to analyze equilibrium solution, periodic and quasi-periodic motions in high-dimensional systems. Examples are shown to illustrate application of the methodology.

报告时间:2015年5月14日(周四) 下午15:30

报 告 人:Pei Yu教授

