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日期:2013-10-17 点击数:

题  目:Editor Tips for Publishing English Language Manuscripts

报告人:Robert N. Trigiano教授

时  间:10月21日(星期一)上午9:30-10:30

地  点:新科技楼主310

Summary:This seminar is for anyone who wants to improve their English writing skills. The workshop is primarily intended for novice students, who have never written a scientific paper, but also for seasoned veteran Professors, who have published many papers. The course will examine the following five areas:

1、What to do before beginning a project;

2、Preparing to write and Instruction to Authors;

3、Writing the various sections of a paper including titles, abstracts, materials and methods, results, discussion and introduction;

4、Strategies for writing including topic sentences, grammar demons, and jargon;

5、The ethics of writing and plagiarism (and how to avoid it).

The seminar will also include a bonus section on the mysterious process of submission to acceptance of a journal article – the review process.

Robert N. Trigiano教授简介:

Robert N. Trigiano教授现任美国田纳西大学教授。1975年于杰尼阿塔学院获得学士学位,1977年于宾州州立大学获得硕士学位,1983年于北卡罗来纳州立大学获得博士学位。1977年任绿巨人公司农艺师,1986年任田纳西大学园艺系助理教授,1991年任副教授,2002年任教授,系主任,2006年任田纳西大学农业技术创新有限公司首席代表。

主要学术任职:曾任《Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture》(1990-1993)和《Journals of the American Society for Horticultural Science》(1994-1997)杂志副主编,曾任ASHS出版社(1998-2001)、《Plant Cell Reports》(1997-1999)和《Plant Disease》(2007-2009)杂志资深编辑,现任《Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences》杂志主编,《Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science》杂志编委,CRC出版社顾问。

主要学术成就:Robert N. Trigiano教授在木本植物组织培养方面取得了国际上公认的成就,他的研究室首先攻克了黄颜木、紫荆花等木本植物的组培再生问题,并建立了工厂化微繁殖技术体系。近五年来,在《Tree Genetics and Genomes》等国际著名学术期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,获得专利2项,出版专著3部。