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日期:2010-10-13 点击数:


Title: Multi-proxy and multi-scale fire and vegetation dynamics from tree-ring data.

报告人:彼德·布朗 博士(落基山树轮研究所主任、科罗拉多州立大学)

Speaker: Dr. Peter Brown, Director (Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research andColoradoStateUniversity)

报告时间:2010年10月17日(周日) 上午10:30-12:00

Time: 10:30 am, Oct 17, 2010 (Sunday)

报告地点:主楼 主西515

Place: Room 515 (West side),MainBuilding

布朗博士是落基山树木年轮研究所主任,科罗拉多州立大学兼职教授,International Journal of Wildland Fire副主编,前国际树木年轮协会主席。主要从事树木年轮火灾学、树木年轮气候学研究。在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Ecology, Ecological Application, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Landscape Ecology等刊物上发表论文多篇。

1.Brown, P.M., C.L. Wienk, and A.J. Symstad. 2008. Fire and forest history atMount Rushmore. Ecological Applications 18:1984-1999.

2.Brown, P.M., and A.W. Schoettle. 2008. Fire and stand history in two limber pine (Pinus flexilis) andRockyMountainbristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) stands inColorado. International Journal of Wildland Fire 17:339-347.

3.Brown, P.M., E.K. Heyerdahl, S.T. Kitchen, and M.H. Weber. 2008. Climate effects on historical fires (1630-1900) inUtah. International Journal of Wildland Fire 17:28-39.

4.Kitzberger, T., P.M. Brown, E.K. Heyerdahl, T.W. Swetnam, and T.T. Veblen. 2007.ContingentPacific-AtlanticOceaninfluence on multi-century wildfire synchrony over westernNorth America. Proceedings of theNationalAcademyof Sciences 104:543-548.

5.Brown, P.M. 2006. Climate effects on fire regimes and tree recruitment inBlack Hillsponderosa pine forests. Ecology 87:2500-2510.

6.Brown, P.M., and B. Cook. 2006. Early settlement forest structure inBlack Hillsponderosa pine forests.ForestEcology and Management 223:284-290.

7.Brown, P.M., and R. Wu. 2005. Climate and disturbance forcing of episodic tree recruitment in a southwestern ponderosa pine forest. Ecology 86:3030-3038.