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日期:2019-07-08 点击数:


报 告 人:于启滨


时    间:2019年07月11日(星期四) 9:00

地    点:科技楼主310

报告人简介:Dr Qibin Yu holds a bachelor in Biology awarded by the Harbin Normal University, and MSc and PhD from the University of Helsinki. Prior to his PhD, Dr Yu worked at Heilongjiang Forest Research Institute 1983-1995. Between 1996-2001, Dr. Yu studied his Ph.D on physiological and genetic basis of wood quality for Finish pulp and paper industry in Finland. Dr. Yu worked in tree breeding and genetics at Laval University, N.C. State University and University of Florida as Postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Yu currently works as Research Scientist III at IFAS-CREC of University of Florida since 2007. Dr Yu was author and co-author on over 70 publications, including PNAS, Genetics, BMC Plant Biology, and Horticulture Research, Forest Ecology and Management, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, and Forest Science.

报告内容简介:(1)由于林木和果树独特生物学特性,传统林木和果树育种方法有很大不同。通过比较两个育种系统,进一步理解林木育种方法(种源试验,子代测定,种子园营建), 了解林木育种方法在果树育种看不到,为何有些果树育种技术不适合林木育种。(2)介绍分子标记(SNP-Array,GBS,KASP),全基因组关联分析(GWAS)、全基因组选择(Genomic selection)、转基因等技术在林木和果树育种实践中的应用。


