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日期:2021-10-12 点击数:

报告题目:The basics of covid-19.

报告人:Thomas Efferth教授(德国美因茨大学)



Thomas Efferth教授,主要从事植物天然产物分子药物毒理学等研究。现任德国美因茨大学药学与生物化学研究所药物生物学系主任,世界中医药学会联合会副主席,《Phytomedicine》杂志主编,《Medicina and Aromatic Plants》、《Planta Medica》等26个期刊的编委,德国医药协会(DPhG)、国际抗癌研究所(IIAR)、《Begell House》出版社(New York,USA)科学咨询委员会成员。累计发表高水平学术论文450余篇,综述80余篇,主编及参编专业专著近20部。近五年,Thomas Efferth教授发表学术论文190余篇,引文率高于8000次;出版学术专著4部,获得2项美国专利、1项欧洲专利和1项西班牙专利授权。参加国际会议并举办讲座近200次。


1. Boulos JC, Rahama M, Hegazy MEF, Efferth T. 2019. Shikonin derivatives for cancer prevention and therapy. Cancer letters 459: 248-267.

2. Seo EJ, Fischer N, Efferth T. 2018. Phytochemicals as inhibitors of NF-κB for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmacological research 129: 262-273.

3. Efferth T. 2017. From ancient herb to modern drug: Artemisia annua and artemisinin for cancer therapy. Seminars in cancer biology 46: 65-83.

4. Efferth T, Volm M. 2017. Multiple resistance to carcinogens and xenobiotics: P-glycoproteins as universal detoxifiers. Archives of toxicology 91(7): 2515-2538.

5. Zhao QL, Kretschmer N, Bauer R, Efferth T. 2015. Shikonin and its derivatives inhibit the epidermal growth factor receptor signaling and synergistically kill glioblastoma cells incombination with erlotinib. International Journal of Cancer 137(6): 1446-1456.

说明:本次会议需通过Thomas Efferth教授进行邮件邀请,有意愿参加讲座的老师、同学请于10月12日之前加入QQ群:983816980,截止日期后不再接受报名,敬请谅解。
