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日期:2021-10-04 点击数:


报告题目:Carbon metabolism, transport and utilization in apple, a sorbitol-synthesizing tree species

报告人:Lailiang Cheng教授(美国康奈尔大学)


方式:通过Zoom会议远程视频讲座(Meeting ID: 916 2816 0837; Passcode: 660229)


报告题目:Sorbitol signaling in apple flower development, pollen tube growth and fungal resistance

报告人:Lailiang Cheng教授(美国康奈尔大学)



Lailiang Cheng教授,长期从事经济林碳氮代谢和逆境生物学研究。现任美国康奈尔大学园艺系教授,山东农业大学园艺学院讲座教授,(中国)国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部重点国际合作项目评审专家。主要研究方向为果树营养与逆境生理,在针对提高果实品质的果园营养与胁迫管理等方面取得了多项重要成果,在《Plant Physiology》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Plant and Cell Physiology》等刊物上发表学术论文百余篇,在国际特别是美国果树生理研究领域有很大的影响。


1. Meng D, Li CL, Park HJ, …, Dandekar AM, Turgeon BG, Cheng LL. 2018. Sorbitol Modulates Resistance to Alternaria alternata by Regulating the Expression of an NLR Resistance Gene in Apple. Plant Cell 30(7): 1562-1581.

2. Meng D, He MY, Bai Y, Dandekar AM, Fei ZJ, Cheng LL. 2018. Decreased sorbitol synthesis leads to abnormal stamen development and reduced pollen tube growth via an MYB transcription factor, MdMYB39L, in apple (Malus domestica). New Phytologist 217(2): 641-656.

3. Hu DG, Sun CH, Ma QJ, You CX, Cheng LL,Hao YJ. 2016. MdMYB1 regulates anthocyanin and malate accumulation by directly facilitating their transport into vacuoles in apples. Plant Physiology 170(3): 1315-1330.

4. Li MJ, Li DX, Feng FJ, Zhang S, Ma FW, Cheng LL. 2016. Proteomic analysis reveals dynamic regulation of fruit development and sugar and acid accumulation in apple. Journal of Experimental Botany 67(17): 5145-5157.

5. Wu T, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Fei ZZ, Dandekar AM, Xu K, Han Z, Cheng LL. 2015. Suppressing sorbitol synthesis substantially alters the global expression profile of stress response genes in apple (Malus domestica) leaves. Plant Cell Physiology 56(9): 1748-1761.
