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日期:2019-11-19 点击数:

报告题目:Guard Cell ‘Omics: Insights into MPK4 Complexes and CO2Response

报 告 人:Sixue Chen


报告时间:2019年11月22日(星期五) 09:00


Sixue Chen 2


Sixue Chen,教授,华东师范大学与中科院上海植物生理研究所联合培养植物生理学专业博士,现任美国佛罗里达大学遗传研究所冠名教授和生物技术研究联合中心蛋白质组学质谱平台主任。迄今已在Nature、PNAS、The Plant Cell、Molecular and Cellular Proteomics、New Phytologist、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Plant Journal等学术期刊发表SCI论文200余篇。兼任国际期刊Journal of Proteomics、Frontiers in Plant Proteomics、Metabolomics和Journal of Proteome Research的编委。主要研究方向:植物气孔信号转导和次生代谢调控网络及其应用。


Human population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, and global crop productivity needs to increase by 70%. Unfortunately, pathogen infection and other stresses have posed grand challenges to crop yield and food security. Stomatal pores are major entry points of bacteria pathogens. How stomatal guard cells respond to pathogen invasion and other factors (e.g., rising CO2 levels) is an important and interesting question. Mitogen activated protein kinase 4 (MPK4) regulates various signaling events in plant defense, growth, light response and cytokinesis. We discovered that MPK4 is highly abundant in guard cells. Here I report an experimental system that combines genetic engineering of kinase activity and proteomics to study the signaling networks of MPK4. MPK4 activation affects multiple pathways (e.g., metabolism, redox regulation, jasmonic acid biosynthesis and stress responses). Furthermore, MPK4 activation also increased protein phosphorylation in the phosphoproteome, from which putative MPK4 substrates were identified. A transcription factor and a regulatory protein were indeed phosphorylated by MPK4. We demonstrated the utility of phosphoproteomics in elucidating kinase dynamics and identification of kinase substrates. As CO2levels affect stomatal immunity and stomatal movement, we studied CO2signaling using hyphenated metabolomics technologies. A new signaling pathway involving jasmonic acid was discovered. Future directions in signal crosstalk and data integration will be discussed.
